jueves, 25 de abril de 2013


Here, you have two worksheets in order to practice in a fun way, the contents worked in the class related to the reading 1.


We hope you enjoy them!




In this reading we want to provide our students with more vocabulary about their close reality al the time, we try to make them notice the differences between the written and the oral form in the English language. This reading has been worked at the English class with our students.

VOCABULARY WORKED: to -, the -, went -, park -, slide -, horse -, swing -, sleep -, see-saw


According to Trinity Exams our students must be prepared to answer some basic questions about theirselves but also to understand some basic instructions related to the vocabulary worked. Here, I upload an example of this exam in order to give you information about the vocabulary and questions that we are going to work with our students.

More information about the contents of this level are in the following website:

jueves, 11 de abril de 2013


Here, I write the website of the Channel 1 where you can find a lot of series in English in order to practice this language and familiaze your son/daughter with English.

Here you have the link


A serie about some girls with powers. The name of the serie represents the first letter of the name of each of the teenagers that are involved in the story.

Other episodes

episode 1 and 2
episode 3
episode 4
episode 5
episode 6


Here, we have a serie in English in order to practice this language while enjoying the cartoons. We advice the parents to be with the children at this momento in order to help them to understand some parts of the story.

We hope you like it.

Other episodes:

episode 2
episode 3
episode 4
episode 5
episode 6